About Us

True community is not about being geographically close, or part of the same social network. It’s about feeling connected and contributing to a larger purpose. Humanity is our ultimate community. We are Stronger Together.

The Story So Far

Ireland Together was founded in April 2020 as Irish businesses embraced the first lockdown. Our vision was to create a safe space for business owners to connect, support each other and work together. That early vision is now a vibrant community of over 1,500 incredible business minds, rooted in generosity and a ‘pay it forward’ mindset. Now established as a private non-profit entity, we continue to support SMEs across the country and internationally. We are simply blown away by the talent, experience, and grit of small businesses in Ireland. Come and join us as we continue this journey together, as a community. Joanne, Louise, Mindi & Colin

Founding Team

Our Purpose

Connecting Irish businesses to the resources, knowledge, advice, and support they require to succeed in a radically changing future. Irish businesses will recover from this setback, reinvent, and flourish. A global network builds resilience to withstand future shocks and disruption.

Our Values

Irish businesses will recover from this setback, reinvent, and flourish. A global network builds resilience to withstand future shocks and disruption.


We believe in the power of community to generate social and economic impact. We are rooted in networks that exchange knowledge, skills and resources to collaborate for mutual benefit.


We believe in doing the right thing, the right way. Above all, we respect diverse opinions and value inclusion across our platform, with fair and equitable access to our services to every member..


Our ability to adapt to the exponential changes we face will determine our success. We will embrace change, adjust course, and find new opportunity in even the most challenging conditions.


We believe in our ability to face adversity and move forward despite the challenges we face. As a community, we offer support and solutions as we navigate the road ahead together.

The Founders

Meet the small team with big impact

Mindi Caselden
Director / Co-Founder

Inspiring systemic and sustainable transformations through a holistic people, planet, and profit perspective.

Joanne Griffin
Director / Co-Founder

CFO, Writer, Lover of Humans & Technology. I like to explore the intersection of human behaviour, psychology and emerging technologies.💡

Colin Harris
Director / Co-Founder

Louise O'Conor
Director / Co-Founder

Values driven, strategic and innovative business transformation and growth advisor. Passionate about making a difference, collective and diverse thinking, collaboration and turning ideas into reality.

Get In Touch

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